Find the creators and projects that excite you.
Apply sound investing principles.

Why Entertainment?

The entertainment industry is historically recession resistant and uncorrelated to financial markets and economic cycles. But historically most investors have only been able to access the industry by either investing in an individual project, which carries high concentration risk, or by investing in public media company securities which carry market risk.  The key to accessing the uncorrelated returns of the industry is diversified direct investment. Creatis provides access to a menu of selected investment opportunities that allows an investor to diversify among projects and across the capital structure.

New distribution channels and consumer markets for entertainment are opening every day. Today, content is king. Investors want to align with the content creators and rights holders to benefit from new-world monetization strategies, next-generation distribution channels and new methods of consuming entertainment.

There is a common misconception that Independently Financed = Non-Commercial.
There are more opportunities now than ever before for independent investors to participate in commercial studio-scale productions.


    Access to selected opportunities in:
    • Film & Television
    • Multimedia
    • Entertainment Funds
  • Customize Your Exposure

    • Invest in the one project that captivates you
    • Invest in several projects to diversify risk
    • Combine a core Fund investment with Individual Projects and private Production Companies
    • Invest across the capital structure in equity, debt and secured loans

    • Manage Risk
    • Diversify across multiple projects with complementary
      uncorrelated return characteristics
    • Benefit from Creatis' project selection, due diligence and regulatory compliance framework